Aesthetic Images
2 Jul, 2020
These are the four most aesthetically pleasing pictures I’ve taken* #
* according to Apple Photos and Apple Photos’ AI
* and maybe slightly curated by me - I disallowed the meme image of a bird standing on the back of an eagle while the eagle is in flight. You’ve probably seen it.
Lately I’ve been playing around with some scripts and tools to peer inside Apple Photos and get some idea of what its AI thinks of my photos (the fact that Apple Photos has an AI is maybe not so interesting, however, its full capabilites, which don’t seem to be described anywhere fully, is. ). Turns out, it thinks meme pictures are somehow very aesthetic, as well as a photo of me covered in glitter, and also photos of farm endless mountain landscapes.
I’m going to write more about how the AI works (as near as I can surmise from database tables) in a later post, but for now, here is what Apple Photos AI thinks are the four most aesthetically pleasing photos I’ve ever taken.