New Site
6 May, 2020
Oh, welcome to my new site. It’s going to be a lot of things - a portfolio of my professional work, an eventual repository of my personal writing and projects, and, because I’m trying desparately to relive the 90’s, a blog.
Over the next couple of weeks and months and years, I’ll be bringing all of my work (that’s been scattered around the Internet on various platforms) into this site. This is a departure for me, and comes as a result of my desire to liberate myself from [platforms that make money from selling my data][1]. If anyone is going to make money from selling me, it should be me.
This new platform is fully a work-in-progress. Over the next weeksmonthsyears, I’m going to add taxonomy templates, import all of my old writing from both Blogger and Facebook, and continue to add work as I make it. I’m very excited to be in control of my factors of production, and am actually excited about something I’m coding and designing for the first time in a while - it’s fun to have something to endlesslylylylytweak.